Monday, August 1, 2011


Wow.  Thanks God.

I woke up this morning and got (happy!) news from a friend and I my instant reaction was not pure joy.  It was "Waahhh.  Why not me?"  Yeah.  I know.  I'm a pretty good friend.

Then I opened up an email and read this:

 "As a wife and a mom, I consider myself the rudder of the attitude in my home.  I can chart the course of attitude in my home in a good way or a bad way...I believe that in all of that, attitude is the biggest determining factor for whether our day goes well or doesn’t, whether we achieve our goals or fail, whether we get along as a family or bicker, and whether we enjoy each other’s company or we don’t.  Attitude is something we can choose and when we are fully aware of that, we can choose to have a good one and that can make all the difference..."

The author went on to talk about an attitude of grattitude.  I have heard that phrase 1000 times before in my life, but it wasn't until that moment that I realized how ungrateful I had become.  I was letting someone else's fantastic news turn my heart bitter.

I can see it in my day to day.  When my attitude is negative, my child seems more touchy, crankier.  When I don't allow myself to see the good in my life, Eric and I seem to get in a hundred little arguments.  Clearly something needed to change.  And I was pretty sure it was me.

I had a serious heart-to-heart with God.   It wasn't pretty.  But it was necessary.  I could feel the walls of discontentedness being stripped away and being replaced with pure thankfulness.

So my encouragement for you all is to not get lost in the "Why not's?" but saying "thank you" so much to your Creator for every. single. thing.  It's a pretty freeing.


  1. Thanks for the awesome reminder Sarah!

  2. Lovely Sarah. Very well said. I could stand to read it everyday.

  3. I have had some of those moments too in the recent past. I have to remind myself to enjoy my family fully and not let what I don't have and what I want so desperately affect how I interact with Haven and Terry.





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